Legends: Rise of a Hero 任務介紹(2)冰區

Legends: Rise of a Hero, Facebook games

這篇介紹《Legends: Rise of a Hero》前進到冰峰(Icy Peaks)之後,前進墓園(Graveyard)之前的任務。




Hermit, Legends: Rise of a Hero Dwarven Tradesman, Legends: Rise of a Hero Prisoner 1, Legends: Rise of a Hero
Hermit Dwarven Tradesman Prisoner 1
地圖 Icy Peaks 地圖 Icy Peaks 地圖 Ice Castle



Wiz Guard Hermit
Trolldad is Trolling Bunty Hunter V(進冰峰後出現) Prove Your Worth
Horn of Plenty Bunty Hunter VI Mage Ice
Just Abominable Bunty Hunter VII Chemical Reaction
The Ice Castle Bunty Hunter VIII The Frozen One
The Frost King Bunty Hunter IX The Jötunn Tome
Frost Essence    
Grave Danger    


Dwarven Tradesman Dryad Tree Gemma
Cart Failure Liquid Courage I(進冰峰後出現) Mom’s Fur Coat I(進冰峰後出現)
Friends in Need Liquid Courage II Tailor Made
Hay Nissa Liquid Courage III  


Nissa Lefty Julius
Return to Sender Giant Hunter(等級12出現) Mom’s Fur Coat II
  On Your Off-hand(等級14出現) Mom’s Fur Coat III
    Chest Protector(等級13出現)
    Cover Your Head


Mrs. Finch Prisoner 1
Dire Ear Soup Jaibreak!
Logs and Bricks Blind Justice
  Castle Dwarven Stein(可重複解)



Trolldad is Trolling, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Trolldad is Trolling

1, 擊敗 Trolldad


Trolldad, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Horn of Plenty, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Horn of Plenty

1, 吹阿爾卑斯號角


Horn of Plenty, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Horn of Plenty, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Just Abominable, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Just Abominable

1, 擊退Yeti(地圖 Yeti Cave)


Yeti, Legends: Rise of a Hero



The Ice Castle, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Ice Castle

1, 擊退 Frost Giant Guard(冰凍巨人守衛)

2, 進入冰凍城堡


Frost Giant, Legends: Rise of a Hero



The Ice Castle, Legends: Rise of a Hero

進入冰凍城堡需要先製造鑰匙「Frozen Travel Stone」


The Frost King, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Frost King

1, 擊退 Frost King(地圖 Ice Castle)


The Frost King, Legends: Rise of a Hero

Frost King 在門後,打開門需要先製造鑰匙「Ice Throne Key」


Frost King, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Frost Essence, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Frost Essence


1, 放置 Frost King essence 到魔法陣中


Grave Danger, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Grave Danger

1, 製造鑰匙「Graveyard Travel Stone」

2, 進入地圖 Graveyard(墓園,在Home左側) 


Bunty Hunter V, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bunty Hunter V

1, 殺12隻 Trollkin

2, 殺12隻 Troll Fighter


Trollkin, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Troll Fighter, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Bunty Hunter VI, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bunty Hunter VI

1, 殺12隻 Troll Mundunugu

2, 殺12隻 Troll Beserker


Troll Mundunugu, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Troll Berserker, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Bunty Hunter VII, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bunty Hunter VII

1, 殺12隻 Evil Dwarve

2, 殺12隻 Ettin Hurler


Evil Dwarf, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Ettin Crusher, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Bunty Hunter VIII, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bunty Hunter VIII

1, 殺12隻 Ettin Crusher

2, , 殺12隻 Ettin Guardsmen


Ettin Hurler, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Ettin Guardsman, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Bunty Hunter IX, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bunty Hunter IX


1, 殺12隻 Frost Giant

2, 回去找守衛


Frost Giant, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Prove Your Worth, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Prove Your Worth

1, 殺20隻 Wolf

2, 殺9隻 Dire Wolf


Wolf, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Dire Wolf, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Mage Ice, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Mage Ice

1, 擁有15個 Stick

2, 擁有8個 Cotton

3, 找到 Adamantite(挖礦會掉)


Chemical Reaction, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Chemical Reaction

1, 找到6個Animal Fat(動物油,冰峰洞穴內,搜尋動物肉會掉)

2, 找到1個 Ember(火堆能找到)

3, 回去找 Hermit


The Frozen One, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Frozen One

1, 融化冰塊

2, 取得劍

3, 回去找 Hermit


The Frozen One, Legends: Rise of a Hero



The Jötunn Tome, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Jötunn Tome

1, 找到 Jötunn Tome

2, 回去找 Hermit


The Jötunn Tome, Legends: Rise of a Hero

Jötunn Tome 在這裡



Cart Failure, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Cart Failure

1, 擁有4個 Log(都可以用伐木場製造)

2, 擁有4個 Peg

3, 修好車(在 Dwarven Tradesman 旁邊)


Friends in Need, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Friends in Need

1, 找到 Traveler(在地圖 Yeti Cave,被關在籠子中)

2, 拯救 Traveler

3, 回去找大鬍子(Dwarven Tradesman)


Friends in Need, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Hay Nissa, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Hay Nissa

1, 回去找 Nissa


Liquid Courage I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Liquid Courage I

1, 擁有5個 Butterfly Wing

2, 擁有5個 Pollen

3, 回去找樹精靈


Butterfly Bush, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖 哥布林瀑布 的 Butterfly Bush 會掉,開箱子也會開到。


Pollen Bush, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖 哥布林瀑布 的 Pollen Bush 會掉,開箱子也會開到。


Liquid Courage II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Liquid Courage II

1, 擁有50個 Hair

2, 擁有50個 Blood

3, 回去找樹精靈


Liquid Courage III, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Liquid Courage III

1, 擁有8個 Ice Heart

2, 擁有5個 Frostbitten Toe

3, 回去找樹精靈


Mom's Fur Coat I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Mom’s Fur Coat I

1, 得到12個 Wolf Pelt

2, 得到4個 Wolf Pelt

3, 回去找 Gemma


Tailor Made, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Tailor Made

1, 跟 Julius 講話


Return to Sender, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Return to Sender

1, 跟大鬍子講話


Giant Hunter, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Giant Hunter

1, 製造武器(視任務要求)

2, 跟 Lefty 講話


On Your Off-hand, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:On Your Off-hand

1, 製造左手武器(視任務要求)

2, 跟 Lefty 講話


Mom's Fur Coat II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Mom’s Fur Coat II

1, 擁有6個 String

2, 擁有6個 Metal Clasp

3, 跟 Julius 講話


Mom's Fur Coat III, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Mom’s Fur Coat III

1, 跟老奶奶講話


Chest Protector, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Chest Protector

1, 製造防具(視任務要求)

2, 跟 Julius 講話


Cover Your Head, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Cover Your Head

1, 製造防具(視任務要求)

2, 跟 Julius 講話


Dire Ear Soup, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Dire Ear Soup

1, 擁有8個 Dire Ear

2, 擁有50個 Meat

3, 跟老奶奶講話


Logs and Bricks, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Logs and Bricks

1, 製造8個 Log(伐木場)

2, 製造8個 Brick(鑿石場)


Jaibreak!, Legends: Rise of a Hero


1, 找到 Cell Key

2, 解救所有囚犯

3, 跟 Prisoner 1 講話


Jaibreak!, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Jaibreak!, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務獎勵是 Furnace Key(鍋爐鑰匙)


Blind Justice, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Blind Justice

1, 找到 Spectacles

2, 回去跟 囚犯1 講話


Blind Justice, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Castle Dwarven Stein, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Castle Dwarven Stein(可重複解)

1, 擁有12個 Dwarven Stein

2, 回去跟 囚犯1 講話


Evil Dwarf, Legends: Rise of a Hero





Legends: Rise of a Hero, Facebook games

《Legends: Rise of a Hero》遊戲介紹





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2 Responses

  1. leebioer表示:

    戰士打到冰堡就打不下去了 很容易掛掉 看樣子要來嘗試你說的放風箏消耗朋友打法

  2. dinosaurs表示:



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