Legends: Rise of a Hero 任務介紹(3)墓區

Legends: Rise of a Hero, Facebook games

這篇介紹《Legends: Rise of a Hero》前進到墓園(Graveyard)之後的任務。




Home -> G1 -> Cr2 -> G2 -> Cr3 -> G3 -> Cr4 -> G2(第二層) -> Cr5 -> G3(第二層) -> Cr6 -> G2(第三層) -> Catacombs



Caretaker, Legends: Rise of a Hero Eyegor, Legends: Rise of a Hero Lara, Legends: Rise of a Hero
Caretaker(看守人) Eyegor Lara
地圖 Graveyard 1 地圖 Graveyard 2 地圖 Catacombs
Bandit Ghost Beta, Legends: Rise of a Hero    
Bandit Ghost Beta    
地圖 Catacombs 2    



Dirk Guard Wiz
It Takes a Villa Ghost Hunter I The Caretaker
Mind your Manor(等級20出現) Ghost Hunter II Summoning Obelisk
  Undead Hunter I Bust it Up
  Ghostly Treant Crave Danger
  Spundead Crypt Walk
  Giant Revenant(Lich 套裝) The Dracolich(Lich 套裝)
    The Catacombs
    The Lich
    Lich Essence


Caretaker Nissa Big John
The Caretaker Peskey Patron Talking Tree
Scared of the Dark Bat Wings  
Jack-O’-Rotten The Eulogy  
Gnargoyles Grampy’s Ashes  
Romancing the Necro    


Hermes Crazy Man Dryad Tree
Graveyard Research Second Skin I Feeling Withered
Graveyard Research II Second Skin II Dark Manuscripts(可重複解)
Graveyard Research III    


Eyegor Julius Mrs. Finch
Call Me Eyegor Skin to Win(等級17出現) Lucky Coin(等級17出現)
Missing Shovels   Favorite Shawl
The Rotten Brain   No Respect
Eye of the Beholder    


Lefty Gemma Vincent
Helpful Hand(等級18出現) A Kind Gesture(等級18出現) Nercous Wreck I(等級19出現)
Hand Off An Unkind Gesture Nercous Wreck II
Undead Weapon(Lich 套裝)    
Off-hand Boost(Lich 套裝)    


Lara Bandit Ghost Beta
Crypt Raider Shrine of Shame
Get the Pack Back The Phylactery
Crypt Walk(可重複解)  



Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero


取得方式分別為 Lefty 所給的兩個收集任務,以及打敗 Dracolich 與 Giant Revenant



It Takes a Villa, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:It Takes a Villa

解完「Grave Danger」任務後出現

1, 買 Villa 地基

2, 蓋好 Villa

3, 回去找 Dirk


Mind your Manor, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Mind your Manor

1, 買 Manor 地基(需城堡5級,等級20才能升級城堡5級)

2, 蓋好 Manor

3, 回去找 Dirk


Ghost Hunter I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Ghost Hunter I

1, 殺30隻 Ectoplasm

2, 殺35隻 Wraith

3, 回去找守衛


Ectoplasm, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Wraith, Legends: Rise of a Hero




Ghost Hunter II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Ghost Hunter II

1, 殺18隻 Shade

2, 殺30隻 Vampire Bat

3, 回去找守衛


Shade, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Vampire Bat, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Undead Hunter I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Undead Hunter I

1, 殺26隻 Ghoul

2, 殺22隻 Ghast

3, 回去找守衛


Ghoul, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Ghast, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Ghostly Treant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Ghostly Treant

1, 殺 Ghostly Treant

2, 回去找守衛


Ghostly Treant, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Spundead, Legends: Rise of a Hero


1, 殺12隻 Geistling

2, 殺6隻 Poltergeist

3, 回去找守衛


Geistling, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖Ca3


Poltergeist, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖Ca3


Giant Revenant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Giant Revenant(Lich 套裝)

1, 擊敗 Giant Revenant

2, 回去找守衛



Giant Revenant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) Giant Revenant 在地圖Ca3,攻擊他時會有很多 Shade 跑出,請小心。


Giant Revenant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

殺掉 Giant Revenant 後,可以得到「Lich」套裝中的盔甲。


The Caretaker, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Caretaker

1, 跟 Caretaker(看守人)講話


Summoning Obelisk, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Summoning Obelisk

1, 讀碑文


Summoning Obelisk, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Bust it Up, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bust it Up

1, 破壞碑文


Crave Danger, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Crave Danger

1, 挖掘一次墳墓


Crypt Walk, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Crypt Walk

1, 製造鑰匙「Catacombs Key」


The Dracolich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Dracolich(Lich 套裝)

1, 殺掉 Dracolich


Dracolich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖G2(第三層) 



The Catacombs, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Catacombs

1, 進入 Catacombs(地下墓穴)


The Catacombs, Legends: Rise of a Hero

進入地下墓穴得用鑰匙「Catacombs Key」,需先製造好。


The Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Lich

1, 殺掉 Lich


The Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

Lich 的房間在地圖 Catacombs 4,得先製造鑰匙「Lich Room Key」後才能進入。


The Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero



The Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

Lich 跟他的守衛就會出現了。



Lich Essence, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Lich Essence

1, 回家

2, 放置 Lich’s essence 到魔法陣


The Caretaker, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Caretaker

1, 殺50隻 Rotting Dead

2, 殺35隻 Skeleton

3, 回去找看守人


Rotting Dead, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Skeleton, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Scared of the Dark, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Scared of the Dark

1, 點亮11盞油燈

2, 回去找看守人


Scared of the Dark, Legends: Rise of a Hero

有些油燈位置很不顯眼,像是地圖 G1最後這裡有一盞。


Scared of the Dark, Legends: Rise of a Hero

地圖 G3(第一層)最後這裡也有一盞。


Jack-O'-Rotten, Legends: Rise of a Hero


1, 找到7顆南瓜燈

2, 回去找看守人


Gnargoyles, Legends: Rise of a Hero


1, 破壞4座石像鬼雕像

2, 回去找看守人


Gnargoyles, Legends: Rise of a Hero

地圖 G1


Gnargoyles, Legends: Rise of a Hero

地圖 G2(第一層)


Gnargoyles, Legends: Rise of a Hero

地圖 G2(第二層)


Gnargoyles, Legends: Rise of a Hero

地圖 G3(第一層)


Romancing the Necro, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Romancing the Necro

1, 殺掉 Necromancer

2, 回去找看守人


Necromancer, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖Ca1、Ca2都可以找到


Peskey Patron, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Peskey Patron

1, 得到 Witches Brew

2, 回去找 Nissa


Peskey Patron, Legends: Rise of a Hero

這在地圖 G3(第一層)


Bat Wings, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Bat Wings

1, 得到24個 Vampire Bat Wings(打吸血蝙蝠會掉)

2, 回去找 Nissa


The Eulogy, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Eulogy

1, 找到題字雕像

2, 回去找 Nissa


The Eulogy, Legends: Rise of a Hero

這在地圖 G1


Grampy's Ashes, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Grampy’s Ashes

1, 找到Urn(甕)

2, 回去找 Nissa


Grampy's Ashes, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 甕在地圖 Ca4


Talking Tree, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Talking Tree

1, 跟樹精靈講話


Graveyard Research, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Graveyard Research

1, 擁有12個 Worm

2, 擁有24個 Brain

3, 回去找 Hermes


Graveyard Research II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Graveyard Research II

1, 收集12個 Mourning Wood

2, 回去找 Hermes


Mourning Wood, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖 G1、G2、G3 都會出現,每隔一天就會生長,有看到請勿錯過。


Graveyard Research III, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Graveyard Research III

1, 得到 Embalming Fluid(防腐液)

2, 回去找 Hermes


Graveyard Research III, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 在地圖 Ca2,小心打 Necromancer 時,會有大量 Shade 衝出來。


Second Skin I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Second Skin I

1, 擁有16個 Skin

2, 擁有16個 Ghoul Stool

3, 回去找瘋老頭


Ghoul Stool, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖 G1、G2、G3 都會出現,每隔一天就會生長,有看到請勿錯過。


Second Skin II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Second Skin II

1, 得到 Flesh Golem Stitch

2, 回去找瘋老頭


Flesh Golem, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 接到任務後,打 Flesh Golem 會掉,地圖 G2(二)、Ca2 有。


Feeling Withered, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Feeling Withered

1, 製造一次 Unwithering 藥水

2, 回去找樹精靈


Dark Manuscripts, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Dark Manuscripts(可重複解)

1, 得到20張 Drak Manuscript

2, 回去找樹精靈


Dark Manuscripts, Legends: Rise of a Hero




Call Me Eyegor, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Call Me Eyegor

1, 殺36隻 Rotting Dead

2, 收集16個 Brain

3, 回去找 Eyegor


Missing Shovels, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Missing Shovels

1, 收集11個 Shovel

2, 回去找 Eyegor


The Rotten Brain, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Rotten Brain

1, 找到 Rotten Brain(忘記在哪的箱子開到的)

2, 回去找 Eyegor


Eye of the Beholder, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Eye of the Beholder

1, 找到 Beholder Eye

2, 回去找 Eyegor


Beholder, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 幹掉 Beholder 後得到,在地圖 Ca3


Skin to Win, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Skin to Win

1, 得到26個 Ghoul Skin

2, 回去找 Julius


Lucky Coin, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Lucky Coin

1, 得到 Lucky Coin

2, 回去找老太太


Lucky Coin, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 在地圖 G2(第一層)


Favorite Shawl, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Favorite Shawl

1, 覆蓋壽衣

2, 回去找老太太


Favorite Shawl, Legends: Rise of a Hero

這在地圖 G2(第二層)


No Respect, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:No Respect

1, 回去棺材放置東西

2, 回去找老太太


No Respect, Legends: Rise of a Hero

在地圖 G2(第二層)


Helpful Hand, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Helpful Hand

1, 製造武器(約18級的慣用手武器)

2, 回去找 Lefty


Hand Off, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Hand Off

1, 製造武器(約18級的次手武器)

2, 回去找 Lefty


Undead Weapon, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Undead Weapon(Lich 套裝)

1, 擁有20個 Silk String

2, 擁有10個 Deathbell

3, 回去找 Lefty


Deathbells, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖 G1、G2、G3 都會出現,每隔一天就會生長,有看到請勿錯過。


Undead Weapon, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Off-hand Boost, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Off-hand Boost(Lich 套裝)

1, 擁有20個 Silk String

2, 擁有10個 Nightshade

3, 回去找 Lefty


Nightshade, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖 G1、G2、G3 都會出現,每隔一天就會生長,有看到請勿錯過。


Off-hand Boost, Legends: Rise of a Hero



A Kind Gesture, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:A Kind Gesture

1, 擁有12個 Shffron

2, 放置 Shffron 到Polly的 墳墓中


A Kind Gesture, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 墳墓在地圖 G3(第一層)


An Unkind Gesture, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:An Unkind Gesture

1, 殺18隻 Draugr

2, 殺18隻 Wight


Draugr, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Wight, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Nercous Wreck I, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Nercous Wreck I

1, 擁有60個 Nail(開箱子會掉,或是用工作室製造)

2, 擁有10個 Rope

3, 回去船那邊


Nercous Wreck I, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Nercous Wreck II, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Nercous Wreck II

1, 擁有63個 Plank(伐木場製造)

2, 擁有54個 Board(伐木場20級才能製造)


Crypt Raider, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Crypt Raider

1, 殺15隻 Possessed Peasant

2, 殺15隻 Accursed Peasant

3, 回去找 Lara


Crypt Raider, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Crypt Raider, Legends: Rise of a Hero



Possessed Peasant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖 Ca1


Accursed Peasant, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 地圖  Ca1


Get the Pack Back, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Get the Pack Back

1, 找到 Backpack

2, 回去找 Lara


Get the Pack Back, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 背包在地圖 Ca3,要先接到任務後找才會有。


Crypt Walk, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Crypt Walk(可重複解)

1, 殺15隻 Crypt Fiend

2, 回去找 Lara


Crypt Fiend, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) 地圖 Ca4


Shrine of Shame, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:Shrine of Shame

1, 擁有1個 Stone Slab

2, 覆蓋

3, 回去找幽靈


(1) 鑿石板(Stone Slab)等級20後才可以用鑿石場製作,所以這任務20級後才能解。


Shrine of Shame, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(2) 先製作好鑿石板,才能拿來這蓋在棺材上。(地圖 Ca3)


The Phylactery, Legends: Rise of a Hero

任務:The Phylactery

1, 覆蓋 護身符

2, 回去找幽靈


The Lich, Legends: Rise of a Hero

(1) Phylactery 在 Lich 的房間內 





Legends: Rise of a Hero, Facebook games

《Legends: Rise of a Hero》遊戲介紹





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部落格作者:闕小豪 作者:闕小豪



4 Responses

  1. 路人不知道甲乙丙丁表示:

    任務:The Rotten Brain
    1, 找到 Rotten Brain(忘記在哪的箱子開到的)

    好像是 G2-2 打那個樹 "Ghostly Treant" 的附近翻出來的

  2. dinosaurs表示:


  3. 訪客表示:


  4. dinosaurs表示:



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